Matty Moroun: public servant

By Joel Thurtell

I want to thank Matty Moroun and his heirs for the wonderful service they have performed for their fellow Americans.

While most pundits are pillorying the Morouns for blocking construction of a new government bridge between Canada and the U.S., I would like just for a few seconds to view the forest through the trees.

Oh sure, I know: The Morouns with their billionaire’s wanton disregard for public good have tried through every means but mostly foul to corrupt our system of government and tilt the table to favor their family-owned monopoly, the Ambassador Bridge.

But it is precisely for their sometimes transparent efforts at purchasing votes and bullying judges that I want to thank the Morouns.

The behavior of this billionaire family is being replicated all over the country as rich moguls like Matty Moroun reap ever-higher profits and add even more billions to their fortunes.

But here in Detroit, we are lucky to have the Morouns.

They have provided us with what educators call “a teachable moment.”

Does anyone now doubt that money corrupts and absolute money corrupts absolutely?

Does anyone not believe that the more money you give to pricks, the bigger pricks they become?

Look at the Morouns!

For years, they got their way quietly.

They bought a mayor.

They stole a city boat launch and part of a city park, padlocked the boat ramp and erected a fence around city property.

Put phony “Homeland Security” signs on city property.

Kicked people out of a public park.

Even now, the Morouns behave as if the park belongs to them.

But the corruption of the Michigan Legislature happened partly in plain view.

It was obvious what the Morouns were doing.

They wanted to protect their bridge monopoly.

So they floated absurd arguments about free enterprise, as if a monopoly is an example of competitive entrepreneurship.

They paid for lying TV ads.

And they distributed money to legislators.

They got their way.

A committee of the legislators, six of whose seven members took Moroun cash, killed the bridge bill so it couldn’t be considered by the entire Legislature.

And why can’t the measure even now be brought before the full Senate and House?

That is a mystery. Unless it has to do with money. Moroun money, in other legislators’ pockets.

Well, we know enough.

The Morouns corrupted our system here in Michigan.

Michigan is a microcosm of the nation.

What happened here is happening, has happened or will happen anywhere else where money from rich people can buy votes and ads.

And that is everywhere in the country.

So thank you, Matty.

You have taught us all a powerful lesson about democracy in America.

It can be polluted for a price, and the richer you get, the easier the polluting.

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One Response to Matty Moroun: public servant

  1. Javan Kienzle says:

    The Grinch who stole Wayne County.

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