A challenge to the council

Go ahead, prove me wrong.

I predict that Detroit’s City Council never will remove Kwame Kilpatrick as mayor. That long opinion they paid attorney Bill Goodman to write, which supposedly excoriated the mayor for his behavior in the text message scam, was a great show. Full of thunder and lightning.

In sum, it amounts to nothing.

The council could remove the mayor, but that would take time and cost money, supposedly.

Therefore, the council most likely will bounce their problem to Gov. Jennifer Granholm and ask her to fire the mayor for them.

Why not do it themselves? Don’t want their fingerprints on this one.

Meanwhile, we hear that maybe the council will “censure” hizzoner.

Censuring him won’t get rid of him.

So that means nothing again.

And the governor isn’t likely to bounce him for the same reasons the council doesn’t want to touch him.

Despite all the nasty headlines and despite the prosecutor’s criminal charges, Kilpatrick is a young man with plenty of political future ahead of him. He’s the scion of a powerful political family. His mom’s a congresswoman, no less, and his dad has been prominent in public office and as a Democrat for many years. Then, too, we’ve seen the Council President Pro Tem, Monica Conyers, switch to support for Kwame. I’ll bet she had a talk with her hubby and changed her mind about the mayor. She’s married to U.S. Rep. John Conyers Jr., chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and one of the most powerful politicos in the country.

With the Conyers and Kilpatricks on his side, nobody with any brain will gun for Kwame.

Except Kym Worthy, the Wayne County prosecutor. And if she screws up the prosecution and Kwame skates free, his name and connections will assure him some public office, maybe even more years as mayor, for a long time.

There is a long shot. Questions about his misuse of a city credit card could smell like an ongoing pattern for deceit, possibly involving electronic transfers. Maybe the feds will weigh in with wire fraud or racketeering charges.

Don’t hold your breath.

Those people on the Detroit City Council know this. They know memories can be as long as grudges.

That’s why I think Kwame’s safe where he sits.

Okay, council members, prove me wrong!

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One Response to A challenge to the council

  1. truth says:

    Well, I see where you are going with this…BUT I must believe and refuse to believe otherwise that KK cannot be brought down. Of oourse, we must have folks who are willing to stand out there PUBLICLY and tell the truth as they know it happened, not stand behind the scenes and enourage others to do so while they gossip ad infinitum. That is what goes on in Detroit as long as I have ever had the misfortune to be involved politically. The folks want you to stick your neck out and take on whatever evil spirits will descend upon you while they can enjoy watching the fallout in their own sphere of secure jobs and financial gains. Disgusting is a word that comes to my mind. As long as the folks in Detroit accept the antics of KK and the famous couple, John and Monica Conyers, they deserve the outcome: a city without services, finanacial stability and being the national joke of all time. KK acts like a thug; is a thug; and will be a thug for his entire career in political office. Why do I say this? Because he was taught by the best of them: his father, Bernard Kilpatrick, and John Conyers himself. Monica Esters learned this herself from Congressman John Conyers as his intern at age 25 when she very conveniently became pregant with his child, John III. It is interesting that Conyers protested the impeachment of President Clinton because of his sexual relationship with “Monica” Lewinsky, a 25 year old intern as well. Enough for now.

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