Right-wing nutcase

To: JOTR staff

From: Jimmy Sellbydate, JOTR Marketing Director

We recently passed the three-year anniversary of JOTR, and time has come to take note of opportunities now being missed by a blog that tends all too often to lean all too far leftward.

There just isn’t room right now within JOTR for those whose minds have a rightward bend.

That must change!

Now, full disclosure here: I myself am a Marketing Expert and therefore quite clearly NOT A JOURNALIST.

If I were a JOURNALIST, clearly, based on the imminent demise of various newspapers, I would not know jack about selling things.

Nonetheless, I was directed by management to make this statement.

What with the Tea Party and all, and the implosion of the Democrats, this blog would do well to make room within its stable of leftie writers for a right-wing nut case.

News managers thought they had filled that need a while back by including Ray Judicata’s “new” column about law within the pixels of JOTR.

Just how sincere the JOTR editors are has been amply demonstrated by the fact that Ray’s byline has not appeared since they published his alleged “debut” column.

It is time for Ray Judicata to have a dedicated column.

It is to be hoped that this ultra-conservative whack job — Ray Judicata — will bring some balance to the JOTR newsroom.

It is to be expected that some JOTR staffers will not be pleased that Mr. Judicata, a man with a common touch, a volatile temper and zero reasoning abilities, will be mixing with what hitherto has been something of an elitist and frankly mild-mannered crowd.

But Mr. Judicata with his gruesome views about society can be counted on to reach out to the Tea Party numbskulls and in so doing draw a few of those witless creeps into the JOTR fold.

JOTR must become inclusive if it is to grow its market share!

It is not about news at all.

It’s all about marketing.

Yours truly,

Jimmy Sellbydate, JOTR Marketing Director

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