How many reporters does it take…

No, not to screw in a light bulb.

I think most reporters are capable of accomplishing that chore without much help.

But how many does it take to cover a political candidate?

Let me put it differently — did we really NEED that long page one story in today’s (March 26, 2008) New York Times about the tragedy du jour — namely, the decision of various news organizations not to pay two grand apiece to fly with Barry. And they’re not flying in droves with Hill, either, according to “Press Cutbacks Leave Room on Campaign Bus,” by Jacques Steinberg. their reporters hanging out with Hill and Barry?

We hear that the public is sick of horse race stories masquerading as political analysis. Yet here’s the Times boring us with yet another horse race. But this contest is among journalists, not politicians.

Talk about insider baseball.

Democracy is in peril, folks! According to the Times, “…the absence of some newspapers on the trail suggests not only that readers are being exposed to fewer perspectives drawn from shoe-leather reporting, but also that fewer reporters will arrive at the White house in January with the experience that editors have typically required to cover the president on Day 1.”

What experience would that be — hefting pints of beer with their favorite candidate?

You’d think the Republic’s very foundations were threatened because there won’t be enough reporters to chow down with the politicos.

If the only thing reporters can write about is themselves, it’s time for all of them to go home. The smart media are the ones who cut their losses and pulled up stakes.

Who does that leave? The biggies like the NY Times, LA Times, Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, all of whom are in their own little horse race to see who can lose the least circulation.

All of them racking up huge bills, screwing in the same light bulb.

Contact me at joelthurtell(at)

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